The Z32 market is just so damn small though. I love these cars but one has to be careful when it comes to the investment required to deploy a new product of this kind of complexity. Group-buys are an acid test of a product's ability to be a worth-while investment for anyone trying to bring something to market. It just sucks when a contracted manufacturer falls through on their end of the deal.... and then you find yourself holding the bag to your customers. With that in mind I have guaranteed the assurances of my manufacturer, contractually, and with considerable financial penalty if they do not fulfill their obligations. If anything most important is different in this case I would have to say it is that. "A businessman's word is only worth as much as his signature at the bottom of the contract."
Enthusiasts soon understand each other. --W. Irving. Are you an enthusiast? If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. Albert Einstein